Sequence: Hammer and Feather - Predict, Observe, Explain lesson

Sequence Information
Sequence: Hammer and Feather - Predict, Observe, Explain lesson
In this learning design, we present the experiment of the Hammer and Feather as it was performed in the Moon by the Apollo 15 crew.

This lesson uses the Predict, Observe, Explain teaching strategy.

This learning design is adapted from earlier work by Matthew Kearney (UTS Sydney) - thanks for his support for this version.

Keywords: Physics, Vacuum, Gravity fields

Run time: 30 to 40 minutes

Delivery Mode: Online or in class

Resources: Video from Nasa (further resources available at

Outline of Activities:
Activity 1: Welcome to the lesson (noticeboard tool)

Activity 2: Introduction to the experiment (noticeboard tool)

Activity 3: Ask the students for their prediction (voting tool with option for add their own option)

Activity 4: Poll to assert the student's confidence on their prediction (voting tool)

Activity 5: Ask student to explain the reasoning behind their prediction (Q&A tool with option for student to see each other's reasoning after they have submitted their own).

Activity 6: A video where it shows the full experiment in the Moon. After the students see the experiment, they are to write their observation -and see other ones observations after they have submitted their own).

Activity 7: A discussion where students are to compare their prediction and the actual results from the experiment and share their perspectives (in this case, we chose a Forum but it could be any other collaborative activity within LAMS -Zoom, doKu, Chat, etc).

Activity 8: A wrap up where we see how this experiment is conducted on Earth in a huge vacuum chamber -to emphasize the theoretical underpinnings (noticeboard tool)

Activity 9: Each student gets to write a personal reflection on their own key learning findings (notebook tool).

Author view:

Audience: High school College - University
Subjects: Education Physics
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.0
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 4.5 stars (4.5). Based on 2 reviews.
Number of downloads: 13 times
Number of previews: 29 times
Authored By:   Chelsea Bullock
Date: 09 December 2020 07:17 PM
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