Sequence: Design thinking

Sequence Information
Sequence: Design thinking
Design Thinking Strategy
The Design Thinking Process is a process for students to follow to enhance their understanding of the users or audience of a certain product or service, to challenge assumptions of those people, to redefine a problem to demonstrate their deep understanding of it, to create innovative solutions to that problem and to test those solutions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution. 

In this example of how to use this approach in LAMS, we will apply an early Design Thinking Challenge set for students at Stanford to solve.

In this challenge, you need to apply the steps of the Design Thinking Process to the following challenge:

Twenty million babies are born prematurely every year and four million of them, normally from developing countries, will die. The World Health Organisation has identified that 75% of these deaths could be avoided by keeping the premature babies warm. Find a solution to the problem of premature babies dying in developing countries as a result of a lack of incubators to keep them warm.

Outline of Activities

1. Design thinking introduction (Noticeboard)

2. Design Challenge presentation (Noticeboard)

3. Set up teams

4. Formulate Questions (doKu)

5. Interviews (Noticeboard). This activity is meant to be performed offline. However, you can use Zoom or Chat if you need this activity to be run online. 

6. Define Understanding (doKu), based on the interviews, the students as a team solidify their understanding of the problems and challenges that require addressing. 

7. Individual Ideas (Mindmap), before students ideate as a team, it is important that each individual student take some time to reflect and ideate on their own - before they gather as a team and run create ideas together. 

8. Team Ideas (doKu), students collide their ideas and begin drafting their early prototype

-- Iterative Loop begins here --

9. Prototype (Whiteboard), students collaboratively design their prototype based on their understanding 

10. Revision iteration (doKu), students assess their prototype based on audience/users feedback. See what works and what needs work to go back to Prototyping again and work on a new/improved solution.  

      [This activity enables Gallery walks, so after all teams have submitted their final iteration, members of all teams can assess other teams solution, provide feedback/comments and rate others' work]

-- End iteration

11. Submit solution (Submit files), students submit their final and best solution

Author view:

Audience: Further education Adult education College - University
Subjects: Education Engineering
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.0
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 5.0 stars (5). Based on 3 reviews.
Number of downloads: 18 times
Number of previews: 38 times
Authored By:   Chelsea Bullock
Date: 25 May 2021 01:36 AM
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