Sequence Information Sequence: The key of well-being at school - STE(A)M Description: This is a "welcome project" for Middle School, focus on well-being at school. The aim is to create a STE(A)M welcoming learning environment. It represents an extension of my previous project focused on Mathematics and Science, to the other STE(A)M disciplines, such as Technology, Engineering, Art, Music, Italian language.
Keywords: welcome project, origami, Mathematic, Science, Art, Music, Italian language.Run time: about 10 hours in class and 3 hours out of the class
Delivery Mode: in class and at home
Resources: Come fare una scatolina origami utilizzando un foglio quadrato - YouTube (origami)
Outline of Activities:
To propose creative and reflective learning environment. The students learn by doing their key of well-being at school.Outcomes:
- Brainstorming on well-being at school
- Well-being mindmap
- Classification of the elements for well-being at school
- Euler-Venn set representation
- Statistical table and graph
- Construction of the simulated school of cardboard key
- Construction of the simulated school of paper boxes
- Description of the phases of the construction of the box
- Construction of the cardboard simulated school
- Production of the nursery rhyme
- Production of the rap song
- Evaluation of activities.Author view:
Audience: Middle school Subjects: Arts Biology Logic Mathematics Technology Language: English LAMS Version: 4.5 License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike Support Files: No files Sharing with: Everyone in Public Status: Active Average Rating: (5). Based on 2 reviews. Number of downloads: 2 times Number of previews: 7 times Authored By: Luigia Palumbo Date: 14 September 2021 07:52 AM User Comments on The key of well-being at school - STE(A)M sequence