Sequence: Blood Types

Sequence Information
Sequence: Blood Types
Keywords: Blood type, Blood heredity, Transfusion, Blood donation

Run time: About 1,5 hours (30 minutes before class and 45 minutes in the class)

Delivery Mode: Blended

Resources: TED-ed, YouTube, Internet

Outline of Activities:

Help students understand the importance of blood types. Specifically to be able to:

-Ιndicate which blood groups are in the ABO and Rhesus systems
-Distinguish how blood groups are determined based on the respective antigens and antibodies
-Describe how we identify which blood type a person has
-Indicate what are the compatible transfusions and what will happen to an incompatible transfusion
-Indicate the genes of the blood groups and what combinations of genes each blood group has

Author view:

Audience: High school
Subjects: Biology
Language: English
LAMS Version: 4.5
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 4.5 stars (4.5). Based on 2 reviews.
Number of downloads: 3 times
Number of previews: 16 times
Date: 18 September 2021 06:58 PM
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