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Subject: Anthropology (14)

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Κοτρώτσου_Εργασία 3  
Keywords: ρατσισμός, διαφορετικότητα

Run time: 3 διδακτικές ώρες

Delivery Mode: Ανεστραμμένη τάξη

Resources: videos,youtube|

Outline of Activities: Νεοελληνική Γλώσσα, Δημιουργική Γραφή,Debate, Συνέντευξη
Η ακολουθία αφορά στο μάθημα της Έκθεσης -Έκφρασης Β΄Λυκείου, στην ενότητα  "Ρατσισμός -Στερεότυπα'"
Χρόνος:2 διδακτικές ώρες

Διδακτικοί στόχοι
να ορίσουν οι μαθητές τις...

Downloaded: 8 times
Updated on: June 20, 2018

Maria Kotrotsou
The United Kingdom - English 5th Grade  
Keywords: Geography, Culture, Project, Reading comprehension, Written production

Run time: 2 teaching sessions (about 90 mins)

Delivery Mode: Online

Resources: The British Council website,,

Outline of Activities: Reading, Project on it

Downloaded: 4 times
Updated on: April 10, 2016

Effrosyni Zachari
ΤΕΛΙΚΗ Easter in the UK - Δ. Στεφανίδου 5.0 stars
Keywords: english, UK, Easter, αγγλικά, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, Πάσχα

Run time: about 45΄

Delivery Mode: in class/ at home/ in class + at home

Resources: computer, internet connection, (projector for delivery in class)

Outline of Activities:

English Language

Students at A1-A2 level of the CEF in English.
Or students at Grades Ε΄& ΣΤ΄of Greek...

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 09, 2016

Despina Stefanidou
Οδύσσεια ραψωδία α στίχοι 109-173 - Πόθου  
Keywords: Οδύσσεια, ραψωδία α, Αθηνά, Τηλέμαχος, Φιλοξενία

Run time: 90 λεπτά

Delivery Mode: στην τάξη και στο σπίτι

Resources: Δε χρειάζεται επιπλέον υλικό

Outline of Activities: Βασισμένη στην ακολουθία - Katerina Pothou

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: April 07, 2016

Απόστολος Βετσόπουλος
European Dimensions - version2  
Keywords: info on EU countries + short history

Run time: 45 minutes max.

Delivery Mode: at home

Resources: all included (internet connection necessary)

Outline of Activities: Introduction to EU history and learn member states basic info

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: April 03, 2016

Despina Stefanidou
ελληνική οικογένεια, Κουτσουρά Ζωή  
Keywords: Κοινωνική και Πολιτική Αγωγή, Ε΄τάξη

Run time: 2 διδακτικές ώρες

Delivery Mode: Στο σχολείο ή στο σπίτι.

Resources: Δεν απαιτείται επιπλέον υλικό.

Outline of Activities: Έλεγχος γνώσεων

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: March 29, 2016

zoi koutsoura
Τα δόντια μας-Βροντινού Κ.  

Run time:5-10 min

Delivery Mode:in class but if chat is sheduled can be run as an outof class activity

Resources:no extra files required

Outline of Activities:discussion in small groups

Downloaded: 12 times
Updated on: March 28, 2016

Katerina Vrontinou
Citizenship 4.0 stars
Keywords: citizenship

Run time: about 1-1.5 hours (or 45 munites ib the class and the rest completed out of the class

Delivery Mode: in the class, but if chat is scheduled can be run as an out of the class activity

Resources: no extra file required

Outline of Activities:
Aim: To develop creative and reflective writing skills.

Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: March 28, 2016

Olga Papaioannou
Keywords: citizenship,γενεαλογικό δέντρο

Run time: Μισή ώρα αααααα ααααααααααααααααα

Delivery Mode: Τύπος παράδοσης ααααααα ααααααααααααα
Resources: Το γενεαλογικό δέντρο ααααααααααααα αααααα αααααααααα

Outline of Activities: ok ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ

Downloaded: 8 times
Updated on: March 19, 2016

Fotis Apostolidis
Citizenship TAGKALAKH EFH  
Keywords: creative writing,description

Run time: 1-1.5 hours

Delivery Mode: in class or out of class activity

Resources: no extra files required

Outline of Activities: Discussion in small groups

Downloaded: 7 times
Updated on: March 18, 2016

Keywords: citizenship, family tree

Run time: 50 min

Delivery Mode: in class or online teaching

Resources: internet

Outline of Activities: to be able to create their family tree

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: March 17, 2016

Keywords: citizenship, family tree

Run time: 50 min

Delivery Mode: in class or online teaching

Resources: internet

Outline of Activities: to be able to create their family tree

Downloaded: 1 times
Updated on: March 17, 2016

Connie Eftaxia
Citizenship - Zachari  
Keywords: family tree, citizenship, creation

Run time: 4 - 5 teaching periods

Delivery Mode: Online teaching

Resources: the internet

Outline of Activities: Create a personal family tree

Downloaded: 2 times
Updated on: March 16, 2016

Effrosyni Zachari
Keywords:good citizenship, values, rights and responsibilities,pledge of citizenship


Audience:Primary School students- Stage 3

Run time:Six 50 minute lesson (including homework) plus Australian Citizenship activites

Delivery Mode:Face to face teaching, online activities (creating a mind map, interactive online activities, homework),


Outline of...

Downloaded: 66 times
Updated on: March 16, 2016

Persa Bitsava