>After the second (LAMS) Install I tried to start up Moodle services the database started but the Apache application is not working. The erro I get is as under
>" MySql: Apache cannot be runned: another webserver is using the Web..."
Do you mean the Apache web server is not working, or that MySQL is not working? I assume it is MySQL, since this
>After connecting to the localhost/moodle login
implies the web server has started... just so we're clear.
If you're concerned about port conflicts, use 'netstat -an' at the command prompt, and look for the ports that are 'LISTENING' at that very moment.
You can check the output of the above command for the port 3306, which is MySQL's port.
If 3306 is there, try to connect to it - type 'mysql -u root -p', and then enter your root password. You may have to change directory to your MySQL installation dir, e.g. 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin' (note the \bin at the end), before typing 'mysql' at the command line.
At the mysql command prompt, type 'show databases', and see if the moodle one shows up.
These steps should get you started troubleshooting; if there is a problem at some point, it may help you rectify the problem you are having with Moodle/MySQL.
Good luck,
Posted by Jun-Dir Liew