Hi Ernie,
Hot Potatoes (http://hotpot.uvic.ca/)is freeware and very good!
It is suite is a set of six authoring tools, created by the Research and Development team at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (http://hotpot.uvic.ca/index.htm#downloads).
Hot Potatoes is actually a software suite comprised of six different programs. The six different programs are referred to as "potatoes," and consist of JBC, JQuiz, JMix, JCross, JCloze, and JMatch, with each name referring to the type of exercise the module creates.
See a review: http://llt.msu.edu/vol5num2/review3/default.html
It can export to an HTML file.
I have used already with LAMS. You can use "Add Single File" (eg. a crossword1.htm file) and it works very well.
The only problem is that you see "Your score is 68%" but does not recorded in Gradebook.
Could we do something about it? This would be very useful.
Posted by Spyros Papadakis