Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 1
04/24/13 05:45 AM |
HI Atif,
There's already plenty of work on this regard.
The next upcoming version (2.4.1) already has a new learner interface completely in HTML5 + SVG graphics.
The new progress bar is completely compatible with iPads and Android devices. Here are a screenshots of the current interface:

Continuing our work to move out of Flash interfaces, we are now testing a new non-flash interface to create lessons within LAMS.
As you might recall, this is the Flash interface we currently use in LAMS 2.4:

So now we have completely replace this with an SVG/HTML interface for 2.4.1 that looks as follows:

Moreover, we are also moving the LAMS Monitoring interface to this as well. And here's the incipient work already running on Android tablet:

Summarising, in LAMS 2.4.1 we'll have all interfaces but Authoring running non-Flash alternatives so they can be used in pretty much any mobile/tablet device.
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione
Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 6
04/26/13 06:41 AM |
Thanks for the quick start guide Ernie. I have built and deployed the new EAR but still I don't see auto detection thing working on Mobile. I am using Samsung Galaxy Note II and when I access my lams URL, I see same flash plug-in requirement on main portal and then missing plug notification on authoring interface. Mobile interface is accessible on a different URL or some configuration is required to make it work ?
There is a new tab "???index.planner???" though which tries to open some not found page; "pedagogicalPlanner.do".
Posted by Atif Rasheed
Re: Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 7
04/27/13 01:36 PM |
Hi Atif,
Ah, ok. Yes... sorry, as this is still a dev version, we haven't quite tied things up as yet.
So to get the new all HTML+SVG Learner version, in the source code, in the lams_learning/web/ folder, copy the main.jsp to mainflash.jsp.
Recompile and that should do it.
As for the Monitor interface, you have the normal Monitor button, but if you press the drop-down menu, you'll see that there's another Monitor option at the very end. Click on that one and this will show you the new HMTL+SVG Monitor, see here:

As for the new tab, that shouldn't be there. That must have been a left over folder from CVS. Next time you check out the LAMS code, please use the following CVS command instead:
cvs -z3 -Q -d :pserver:anonymous@code.lamsfoundation.org:/usr/local/cvsroot co -P all
The -P option will ensure that empty folders aren't created.
Thanks and looking forward to hear your feedback
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione
Re: Re: Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 8
04/29/13 12:56 AM |
Thanks for correction Ernie. Apologies on not getting back to you earlier as I was went out of station over the week end.
I am checking out latest code but probably your code hosting is quite slow as it's taking a lot of time to checkout.
I have a virtual machine on Amazon Web Services(EC2)and last time it worked pretty fast but right now it's dead slow.
I will update you with my feedback as soon as I am done with it.
Posted by Atif Rasheed
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 12
04/29/13 01:24 PM |
Hi Atif,
Let me be a bit more specific on the things you would need to change, just in case:
Go into the code:
$ cd lams_learning
then copy main.jsp on top of mainnoflash.jsp and mainflash.jsp:
$ cp web/main.jsp web/mainflash.jsp
$ cp web/main.jsp web/mainnoflash.jsp
then redeploy the lams_learning:
$ ant deploy-war
Delete the jboss-5.1/server/default/tmp and jboss-5.1/server/default/work folders
and restart jboss.
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione
Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 13
04/30/13 03:17 AM |
Hello Ernie,
Thanks for your detailed input because last time you didn't advise to replace mainnoflash.jsp as well, you only asked for mainflash.jsp :)
However, I followed your instructions and it's still not working ... not sure what is going wrong as I don't see anything unusual in log files as well.
I can't insert images here so I am attaching a document, steps I followed with screenshots for your review.
Posted by Atif Rasheed
Re: Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 14
04/30/13 04:22 AM |
Hi Atif,
I had a look at the attached document and I'm pretty certain that I know what's happening.
If you look at the messages above, I mentioned that we have been working on turning the learner and monitor interface to non-Flash interfaces.
However, on the last picture of your document, you are trying to open LAMS Author. But, LAMS Author is still 100% a Flash interface and probably will remain like this for some time.
The main reason for this is because LAMS Author require some features that are still quite complex to do with HTML5 and SVGs, like drag and drop, multiple level branching, etc.
So I think teacher will still be required to use Flash for creating sequences.
Having said that though, students would not longer require flash as their interface will be fully non-Flash. So they'll be able to use tablets or mobiles to access their LAMS sequence without loosing any functionality.
Same thing for teachers/tutors that need to monitor their lessons.
I hope this clarifies the scope a bit better.
Posted by Ernie Ghiglione
Re: Re: Re: Mobile (Android based Smart Phone and Tablet) support
In response to 15
04/30/13 04:47 AM |
Hi Ernie, my apologies I must have lost it some where in the conversation track. Didn't notice that Author interface is not mobile enabled at the moment. But you have rightly said that mobile interface for Author is not really necessary if Learner and Monitor interface are Mobile enabled.
However, I have tested the Learner interface and it's working great, will get back to you if we found any problems with it. When we should expect nonflash Monitor interface in CVS ?
Great thanks and have a great evening.
Posted by Atif Rasheed