Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Re: ant prepare-db


2: Re: ant prepare-db
In response to 1 08/21/06 06:28 PM
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You might have ant already installed - that might explain why it can't see the ant-contrib-0.6.jar. You can check this by doing

shell> which ant

and that will tell you which copy of ant you are running.

To get it to work, just use the copy of ant that's included with the lams package, i.e. use the full path name when you call ant:

shell> /usr/local/lams/apache-ant/bin/ant prepare-db

and hopefully that should do the trick.

Posted by Jun-Dir Liew

3: Tried it but...
In response to 2 08/22/06 01:22 AM
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Hello Jun-Dir,
thanx for the tip, i tried which ant and it returned /usr/bin/ant. So i tried what you suggested but it also failed.
I placed an echo inside /usr/local/lams/apache-ant/bin/ant to check for the value of ANT_HOME. As it appears, it points to /usr/share/ant. Exporting ANT_HOME, passing it in $0, or linking it from /opt/ant didn't manage to make it change, it always keeps on pointing to /usr/share/ant.
So, i copied the ant-contrib-0.6.jar file to /usr/share/ant/lib, and it STILL fails. (i echoed $ANT_LIB, and made sure that is the correct folder).
I tried modifying /usr/local/lams/apache-ant/bin/ant and added ANT_HOME=/usr/local/lams/apache-ant before any reference to $ANT_HOME, that did not manage to make it work.

I simply can not understand what is making it fail after all the things i tried.
I installed ant by choosing the package from the fedora core package manager, does that make any difference? should i uninstall it and try building it from source again??

Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thank you.

Posted by Al-Faisal El-Dajani

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