Forum Problems Installing LAMS: Re: Blank worksapce and create sequence error in Moodle-LAMS integration


6: Re: Blank worksapce and create sequence error in Moodle-LAMS integration
In response to 1 09/28/06 06:04 PM
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Hi Paul,

For both your Moodle servers (the test one on your XP laptop, and the production one on your Red Hat machine), you need to make sure that the require line for 'config.php' in the file 'moodle/mod/lams/lib.php' comes before the other require lines:

/// Library of functions and constants for module lams

This is because the $CFG variable is actually read from config.php, so you can't actually use it to specify where config.php is - chicken and egg scenario.

Once you fix this I think your drop down lists should be populated properly.

The other thing is that the prefix shouldn't be NULL, but it seems that's fixed.

About the user 'lm_admin' and 'admin' - lm_admin is the LAMS equivalent of your Moodle user, which happens to have the username 'admin'. The other 'admin' in the LAMS database is LAMS' own built-in 'admin'. 'lm_admin' only appears when you've logged into Moodle and started to use the LAMS module.

You asked whether you'd be able to transfer the LAMS integration tables from one LAMS to another... you can do this with the ext_server_org_map table, but you'd have to make sure each parameter is correct anyway, such as the callback_url and orgid (an organisation with the same orgid needs to exist on the LAMS server). So it's much the same as setting up a new table afresh.

Let us know how you go!

Posted by Jun-Dir Liew

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