Yes, we are having a few problems with the server at the moment.
All I can think of is that there is something wrong in the sharedlib setting in the common.properties file in lams_build. But if that was wrong I'd expect a lot more than just xdoclet to be going wrong.
Can you make a change to the build.xml in the lams_central directory. Find the webdoclet target and add the lines given below between <!-- dump the classpath... --> and <!-- end dump>
<target name="webdoclet" depends="preparedirs">
<!-- dump the classpath to the log for debugging -->
<pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}| |-- "
<echo message="Classpath for lams-central build ${echo-classpath}"/>
<!-- end dump -->
<webdoclet destdir="${generated.java}" force="${xdoclet.force}">
I'll attach a copy of a modified build.xml file in case that helps.
Then when the build runs, you should get some output like:
Buildfile: C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_central\build.xml
[echo] Classpath for lams-central build C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\axis\axis-ant.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\axis\axis.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\axis\jaxrpc.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\axis\saaj.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\axis\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\catalina\catalina.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\wddx\wddx.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\xdoclet\maven-xdoclet-plugin-1.2.3.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\EclipseWorkspace\lams_build\lib\xdoclet\xdoclet-1.2.3.jar
[echo] | |-- C:\jboss-4.0.2\server\default\lib\webcallbackhandler.jar
Could you post this as it should tell me what exactly in the classpath for the webdoclet calls.
Posted by Fiona Malikoff