Sequence: Developing Scenario Learning template

Sequence Information
Sequence: Developing Scenario Learning template
This template provides a structure for reflecting on real-world scenarios, where after a period of initial reflection and discussion, the scenario evolves, and so students must them reflect on how to adjust their plan of action. The template is based on an article about Developing Scenario Learning - see Dalziel (2012)

Keywords: Scenario, Problem Based Learning, Role Plays

Run time: Varies - typically 2 weeks asynchronous, 1-2 hours synchronous.

Delivery Mode: Online, but easily adapted to blended online and face to face delivery (replace Forums with face to face discussion)

Resources: None (other than addition of scenario by instructor). For article and accompanying conference presentation, see supporting files below.

Outline of Activities: See sequence.

Author view:

Audience: Further education Adult education High school College - University
Subjects: Education Other Technology
Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.5.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files:
Name Size (bytes) Date Uploaded
LAMSconf2012.Dalziel.DSL.pdf 350192 08/07/14 11:11 PM
LAMS2012.DSL.Dalziel.ppt 517632 08/07/14 11:12 PM
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 7 times
Number of previews: 5 times
Authored By:   James Dalziel
Date: 07 August 2014 11:11 PM
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