Sequence: Developing Scenario Learning templates - 2x2 Branching

Sequence Information
Sequence: Developing Scenario Learning templates - 2x2 Branching
Keywords: Developing Scenario Learning, Branching, Values

Run time: 1+ hours

Delivery Mode: Online (could be hybrid online then face to face if replace final forum with face to face discussion).

Resources: None extra, but see worked examples (and slides) at

Outline of Activities: This template is designed to be populated with a Scenario with two choices, where each choice leads to a further development of the scenario and two more choices. Text in blue provides instructions on what to edit to use this template. The initial version of this template was used for Scenarios which involve conflicts between two different moral values.

After an introduction and presentation of the Scenario, students choose from one of two choices. Their choice takes them to one or two branches with different developments of the Scenario, followed by a further two choices based on their branch (ie, 4 different end points). After completing their branch, they see all possible options, and then have a discussion of different moral values in relation to the Scenario.

Author view:

Audience: Further education Adult education High school College - University
Subjects: Education Other
Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.5.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: Not rated yet!
Number of downloads: 8 times
Number of previews: 13 times
Authored By:   James Dalziel
Date: 27 September 2014 09:03 PM
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