Sequence: LAMS 101 part 1 - What Is LAMS?

Sequence Information
Sequence: LAMS 101 part 1 - What Is LAMS?
Lesson 1 in the LAMS101 Course.

Describes what LAMS is, and demonstrates effective use of the Learning and Monitoring environments.

This sequence is now included with all LAMS 2.1+ server installations.

Author view:

Audience: Kindergarden Middle school Further education Adult education Elementary High school College - University Other
Subjects: Education Technology
Language: English
LAMS Version: 2.1.0.
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
Support Files: No files
Sharing with: Everyone in Public
Status: Active
Average Rating: 4.5 stars (4.33). Based on 3 reviews.
Number of downloads: 152 times
Number of previews: 2432 times
Authored By:   Jeremy Page
Date: 02 July 2008 06:19 PM
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